To the World, at this moment we know there is big difernt world´s in our world, there are wars, there are religions, there are rich, there poors, there are hungry ..there are a lot of hate , width or widthout reasen. But we can discut all things in a simple Blog, we just want to make the world a little lite better. For that me and my organization are commited to do small projects in Africa. Because of our rots, i stablish severel projects in the Island´s of São Tomé e Principe.
Of course that width good people o can do a lot of things, but widthout any money i don´t go anywere. For obtaining funds we just will NOT ask for donation´s.
The www will pay all these projects width the help of is user´s. For that it will be lunch several promotion, that you sometimes only have to click and in the other´s putting a small formularions. WE will explain everyting when we are promoting one projects, the fund´s need, the time and how can you help without speding any money at all.
Besides the projects, we also will give informations about the evolution of this small country.
Thanks for your colaboration, we will start as soon as possibel.
Best Regards, to you and to the world

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